The Hollywood 'NO'

Mar 04, 2015

One of the odd things about this business of entertainment is that every day is spent "applying" for jobs. (I wrote about this in another blog post, check the archives.) Frustrating enough, as anyone who has ever applied for jobs knows.

Even more frustrating though, is something that happens in the entertainment industry but not so much anywhere else. That is never hearing why we didn't get the job or even THAT we didn't get the job. We know that we GOT the job, through phone calls, emails and contracts signed, but very rarely do we hear that we didn't get the job or why we didn't.

I believe this is called the Hollywood 'NO.' Nothing is said. Nothing is communicated. Very few people call or write and say, "We didn't hire you because _________." Their "no" is just nothing. Not a word… and in my book not getting back to someone reeks of unprofessionalism. Even a form letter is more professional (and courteous) than no response at all.

Maybe, for marketing reasons, I will have to start being a pain in the butt. I may start calling or emailing to ask what happened. I try to not bother people. I assume they will act professionally. But you know what they say about "assume."


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