High School Prom and Grad Season Hypnosis

Apr 10, 2014

It's that time of the year again:  Safe and Sober Prom and Grad Night Season. A busy time for the hypnotist. 

Not only are there lots of shows to do (some of us do 2 or 3 in one night) but there is also the logistics and planning that had to be done during the last few months to make this all work. Airline tickets to purchase, car rentals reserved, even pet-sitting services to be secured. 

But it's all worth it; the shows are fun and the money's pretty good.  And, a good service is being provided.  While I'm not sure if statistics are provided, safe and sober prom and grad nights (just by virtue of their popularity) may just be working.  Hopefully what we (the professional hypnotists, game providers and other prom and grad night entertainers and parents and chaperones) do, helps keep the teens safe and out of trouble. 

If your children's school doesn't have a prom and/or grad night program, please contact me for help in setting one up next year. 


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Posted by Alan sands on
Actually, the lack of statistics are the statistics. It has been proven after 40 years that kids who go to these events, get home safely. Whereas, kids who do not attend these events continue to end up in terrible auto accidents after partying on their own. I have talked to police in California and Montana.
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